Rib cage breathing
• Objectives: Flexibility of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, Control of its center, Improve the mobility of the rib cage
• Start: As a sensory marker, place a rubber band around the waist at the lower ribs.
• Movement: Inhale concentrating to push on the elastic so that the rib cage opens in width. Upon exhalation, the rib cage will return to its usual shape.
• Tip # 1: As with breathing in the belly, the sternum should stay as low as possible at the inspiration. The shoulders and trapezius will certainly want to participate in the movement (error!). So, the first time, breathe in front of a mirror to observe the movements of the ribcage.
• Tip #2: If you do not have rubber bands, you can also use your hands to feel the movement of the ribs.
• 10 breaths